[doujinshi scans]
18 of these scans are from Slayers Adult 3 by the circle Ginmomodou. Well, I was admittedly a bit surprised at just how graphic this dj is. I have a stack of Yu Yu Hakusho and Gundam W djs, but most of 'em are shounen-ai, and not many of 'em go into great detail like this one does. All in all, I saw way more than I'd rather have seen. *sweatdrop*. Due to the fact that I don't want to risk getting my account deleted, I didn't scan a good portion of the book. I also didn't scan the Xel/Firia stuff, cause hey, this is a VAL/Firia site, after all. And I didn't scan the *shudder* Zel/Ameria chapter for the same reason. The last 2 scans are from my sister's Xel/Firia dj, Falling Angel. You can purchase these djs yourself from 3H

[miscellaneous scans]

The following four pics were taken from Star Dust Company. If you're the artist of these fanarts and want them taken down, email me and they'll be removed immediately.
And here's my own crappy fanart.