Swan Chimera
by Alyson Metallium

Me: Once upon a time, there were two kingdoms whose rulers just happened to be best friends.

Phil: I tell you, Rezo, the way copies are treated is completely unjust!

Rezo: It's the truth, old friend, but then, they're very well treated in that nice padded institution I created.

Me: These two rulers desperately wanted their lands to be joined, but since they were both kings, and non-kinky, that wish seemed far away indeed. Until one day....

Phil: *standing on a balcony* IT'S A GIRL!!!

Crowds: *roars with approval*

Me: Now their wishes could come true, because.....

Rezo: If my grandson/great grandson were to marry your daughter...

Phil: Then our lands would be joined....

Rezo and Phil: And become a haven for abused copies everywhere! *high five. At least, they try to, but Rezo misses (he is blind, after all) and falls on his face*

All except Alyson: *sweat drop*

Me: Now in the kingdom of King Rezo, there lived an evil sorcerer with monstrous powers who would do anything to obtain the kingdom of Rezo and turn it into his own play place where he could torture, maim, terrify, feed off of ...

Lina: Don't you think you're over doing it?

Me: Well, he is a Mazoku.

Lina: True.

Zel: Can we just get on with it?!

Me: *cough* This sorcerer wanted Rezo's kingdom.

Xel: *dancing around a bubbling pot* Bubble bubble Toil and Trouble! ^_^

Me: Um, Xelloss? Wrong story.

Xel: Opps! ^_^;; *grabs a spell book and leafs through it* Now let's see, what kind of nasty spell can I whip up that will take over Rezo's kingdom? Hmm... Monstrous resurrections? Promising! Top Ten Ways To Piss Off An Underdeveloped Sorceress??

Lina: HEY!

Gourry: *snicker*

Xel: Ahhh, here we are! Taking over a kingdom in ten easy steps! Now then ...

Me: As Xelloss worked at his plans to snatch Rezo's kingdom, Phil got wind of the plot against Rezo's life...


Me: And he rushed over to Rezo's kingdom and alerted Rezo about the plot against his life.

Lina: Hang on a sec.

Me: What?

Lina: How did PHIL find out about the plot?

Amelia: My daddy is a very smart man!

Lina: You're supposed to be a baby.

Amelia: Oh yeah... Oops. *runs off*

Me: What did I say about bothering me with details?

Lina: *gulp*

Me: Anyway, Rezo went down to Xelloss' laboratory, burst in and destroyed all his magical talismans, but.....

Xel: *very bland* Oh my my, look at that! He spilled all my potions and they've mixed together. Now who will be the receiver of this little curse? ^_~

*from outside the castle* AAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Xel: Oooo, looks like it worked! ^______________^

Page: *runs in, breathless* Your Majesty! The Prince, The Prince!!!

Rezo: WHAT?!

Younger Zel: *staggering in in chimera form* I'M A MONSTER! WHO DID THIS TO ME?????!!!!!

Xel: That would be my cue to exit. But, Rezo, I'll be back to take your kingdom! *poofs out*

YZel: This is all your fault, Grandfather/Great-grandfather!!! If you hadn't messed with Xelloss, I wouldn't be a FREAK! *runs out in a rage*

Rezo: What exactly did he look like? *pales as the page tells him* I hope the wedding isn't off.....

Me: The plans for the wedding were still very much on, Phil stating that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, even if the cover happened to be stone with embedded rocks.....

Zel: Thank you, but I'm sure everyone is well aware of what I look like. *grump*

Me: *ignores him* The two kingdoms were vastly interested in the first meeting between young Prince Zelgadis and Princess Amelia, who showed up with their two companions......

YAmelia: How come ya have blue stones for skin?

YFilia: *standing a little ways away with Young Val* Oh, that was tactful.

YZel: Didn't your father ever teach you that it's impolite to stare?

YAmelia: He did, but I was just asking a question.

YZel: *depressed sigh* Well, I was cursed when my father ran off an evil sorcerer.


YZel: What's gotten into you?

YAmelia: Sorry. It's something Daddy taught me. *does a Phil impersonation* Whenever you see injustices committed, you must strike a brave pose and give a heart warming speech!

YVal: *to Filia* He really said that?

YFilia: Yep.

YVal: Damn.......

YFilia: I agree.

Me: As the years passed, the four soon became good friends. Of course, they had their share of arguments.....

Amelia: Stop being so sulky and depressing! You have to live a little, you know!

Zel: Oh shut up you Justice Freak.

Amelia: *twitches* VOMERDALE WIND! *the pressurized air blows Zel into the moat, where he sinks*

Val: She's starting to act more and more like Lina......

Filia: Well, Zel deserved it.

Val: He did not you (&*^%$% Uppity &^%%^$^%$$%#$#$@!!!!!

Filia: *twitches, hauls out her mace and bashes Val into the pond, where he sinks for a bit* Jerk!

Amelia: Why isn't Zelgadis surfacing?

Me: Um, you forgot that he has stone for skin, which means.....

Amelia: *&^&$%$#%$#^%&^^&%^$$%#$@!!!!!! *runs and dives into the moat while everyone face faults*

Lina: Where did Amelia learn those words?!

Me: Don't ask me.. *puts her head in her hands, then continues* Amelia hauled the coughing Prince over to the shore, and bent over him worriedly.

Amelia: You all right, Zelgadis?

Zel: *cough cough* I'm *wheeze* fine.

Amelia: Ok! *goes over to Filia, and the two head into the castle*

Zel: *to Val, who just crawled out* She's such an annoying little....

Val: *breaking in* Oh you like her, fess up!

Zel: *blush and stutter* I DO NOT!

Val: You do too. I've known you since we were kids, and don't you think I'm &^%$^% capable of telling when you like someone?

Zel: *glare* Ok, when are you going to admit that you like Filia?

Val: &^&^%&^%^$%#%%$%%&%$^$%%$$%^$^$^&$&^$%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zel: *smirk* That's what I thought.

Me: And so, the years passed, with both sides being in denial....


Amelia: Neither am I!

Filia: *snort*

Me: *continuing as if they hadn't interrupted* Until the day that a Royal Ball was announced. Nobles from everywhere came to watch the prince and princess dance together and formally announce their engagement.

Zel: Oh great, you're putting me on display.

Me: *WHAM* Shut up and get into your formal attire!

Lina: So when do I get to appear?

Me: Later.

Lina: *grump*

Syl: Prince Phil, are you sure that this was a good idea? I mean, aren't Amelia and Zel a little to young to be announcing an engagement?

Phil: What are you talking about?

Syl: Oh never mind. *sigh*

Announcer: Announcing, their Royal Highnesses, King Rezo and Prince Zelgadis! *cheers all around*

Zel: *nervously* Do I look all right?

Val: Never knew you were one to worry about the way you look.

Zel: You try having abrasive skin and then being shoved into a 100% silk three piece suite.

Val: I see your point.

Filia: Yeah, it's right there on your head. *pats Val's horn, causing him to blush a bit*

Val: F-Filia, didn't see you. You look *&*&^^&%ing nice.

Filia: *smile* Thank you. So do you.

Xel: *to Alyson* You know, with Zel's skin being the way it is, I'm surprised you didn't do the Zel-fans a favor and have little holes ripped in "strategic" places.


Xel: Ouch. ^_^ *crawls off*

Zel: *BEET red* ..........................

Me: Now that everyone was in the ballroom ... *sees something* NO SPIKING THE PUNCH, XELLOSS!!

Xel: *slinking off* Damn. ^_^

Me: The dancing began. Amelia and Zelgadis danced several dances in a row before stopping and staring at each other.

Lina: Sappy!

Me: Shut up.

Amelia: Zelgadis, are you sure you want to marry me?

Zel: Of course I'm sure! *blushes a bit as he reads on from the script* After all, we've been friends for years, and you're so beautiful. *glares when he turns to a blank page, and begins to wing it* Even if your family are freaks and always trying to kill each other for the throne ...

Amelia: *smashing him over the head with a table* THAT'S ENOUGH! I don't want to marry you! *eyes tear up* GO AWAY! *runs out of the room to stunned silence*

Zel: *rubbing head* What did I say? O.o

Filia: Mr. Tact, you aren't. *runs after Amelia*

Val: Women are so &*^%&^%%^$%$%ing sensitive!

Rezo: *making his way to Zel* Come on grandson/great grandson. Let's get you out of here before you start a war. *leads Zel out*

Zel: You coming, Val?

Val: Nah, I'm going ta stay here and help clean up. I'll be home in a bit.

Zel: Ok. *walks out looking very glum*

Me: On the carriage ride home, Rezo lectured Zel about the merits of not insulting the family of the girl that you want to marry, and how Zel needed to learn diplomacy when addressing things, yadda yadda when the carriage lurched to a stop in the road.

Xel: Oh goody! ^_^ *strikes a very evil, and at the same time tasteful, pose* Here I am, Rezo! I"m here to take your most precious possession until you do the right thing and give me your kingdom for my playground.

Rezo: Never you fruitcake!

Xel: Now that's the pot calling the kettle black. ^_^

Rezo: What does that mean?

Xel: It means I know all about those 3-D Dolly Parton posters of yours where you added "accessories" so she'd look, and feel, more realisitic.

All: *stare at Rezo* WHAT?!

Rezo: *desperate to keep to the script* YOU'LL NEVER GET MY KINGDOM!

Me: *a little shocked* With that, Xelloss cast a spell that knocked everyone out, and took away Zel. *looks at Rezo* Dolly Parton?! Accessories?

Rezo: Shut up. -_-

Me: *cough* Back at the castle, Amelia, Filia, Sylphiel and Val are finishing with the cleaning up.

Amelia: Gee, didn't think that Daddy would go off the deep end about me kicking Zelgadis out.

Filia: Well, he did want you to marry him, you know.

Amelia: I know.

Syl: And he had worked so hard to bring you two together, and it looked like it was going to work, too.

Amelia: *sighs and grumps* Oh hush.

Me: As they threw away the last of the trash, a sudden commotion at the front door grabbed their attention.


Me: One of the servants opened the door to revel a very battered Rezo just in time for him to be hit by Amelia's fireball.

Xel: Death of a Salesman, this isn't.

Amelia and Filia: *rushing over to him* What happened? I'm so sorry!


Rezo: *weakly* Zelgadis ... is gone ...

Syl: *proceeds to heal Rezo*

Amelia: *in whisper* No..... *runs out the door*

Filia: Amelia! *runs after with Val beside her*

Me: When they reached the sight of the attack, all they found was a destroyed carriage.

Amelia: *tears streaming down her cheeks and collapsing onto her knees* ZEEEEEEELLLLLLLGGGGAAAAAAAAAADDDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lina: Ooooo, nice job, Amelia! I got chills!

Me: Meanwhile, Xelloss was entertaining his new guest, who, er, was rather different looking......

Zel: HONK!

Xel: *nudging him* Come on, I thought all swans liked to swim!


Xel: *picking up the blue swan by the neck, and slinging him into the pond* I SAID SWIM! ^_^

Zel: HONK HONK *sinks* gurgle gurgle

Xel: Oh, that's right, stone doesn't float. *wades out and pics up the drowning swan* Hmmm...... Ah hah! *snaps his fingers, giving Zel a true swan body (it's still blue, just not rocky and likely to sink)* There you go! *pops Zel back onto the pond*

Zel: *sulk*

Xel: Now now, Zelly boy! You make a pretty cute swan!

Zel: *glaaaare*

Me: Several other inhabitants of the pond had been watching the exchange. When Xelloss left, the bolder of the three, or should I say more curious of the three, decided she wanted to find out what was going on.


Gourry: ......

Lina: *snickers, and walks over to Zel* Hey there. What did you do to tick *him* off?

Zel: Lina? What are you doing in that turtle outfit?

Lina: *grumble* Oh shut up.

Me: According to the animated version of The Swan Princess, there is a turtle character named Speed. That's who Lina is portraying.

Zel: *snicker* A turtle? I would have thought Gourry would have fit a turtle motif better.

Gourry: I'm a Puffin!

Lina: Let's not go into that again!

Martina: *bounding up in a frog suit* I can't believe you've got me in a FROG suite!

Me: Quite whining and get on with it!

Swan Zel: I didn't do ANYTHING to piss him off! My idiot Grandfather/Great-grandfather refuses to give him his kingdom, so he turned me into a bird!

Me: *begins to snicker* Lends new meaning to "bird brain".

Xel: ^_________^

Zel: *snort*

Martina: *perking up* Kingdom? Are you a prince?

Zel: Yeah. What of it?

Me: Before Martina could go into her dreamy mode, the moon rose, and touched the spot where Zel was floating. Instantly, he transformed back into his chimera body, only to realize that he was standing over the deep end of the pond.

Zel: AURGH! *falls in and sinks*

Lina: Now what?

Zel: *walks out of the pond, dripping wet, in his silk suit and covered in barnacles* You just HAD to stick these things to me, didn't you? *brushes off the crustations*

Me: ^_^

Martina: *eyes turn into hearts* Ohhh, at last! A man who can break my curse and turn me back into a princess!!

Lina: She's at it again.

Gourry: No kidding. Hey, how did you get out of the pond, Zel?

Zel: I walked on the bottom. *jerks a bit as Martina hops up onto his shoulder and makes kissy faces*

Martina: Come on, give me a kiss! Then I'll marry you and return in triumph to the kingdom of Xoana!

Zel: NO!

Martina: *sighs dramatically* He speaks in fear of my patron monster, Zoamalgustar! Have no fear, Zoamalgustar will bless our union!!

Lina: Well, you can do one of two things.

Zel: *backing away from the dramatic frog* What?

Lina: Give in and give her a kiss... .

Zel: HELL NO! Besides, I think Xelloss' curse is supposed to keep me from kissing anyone who isn't my true love.

Lina: Then you're left with the other choice.

Zel: What, what?! *Martina begins bearing in with puckered lips*

Gourry: Run for it. *blinks as Zel becomes a blue blur around the lake, with a green blur chasing after him*

Lina: Hmmm, maybe this pond won't be so boring after all now that Blue Boy is here.

Gourry: *watching* I think you're right.

Me: While Zel's being chased after by a horny Martina ...

Martina: I AM NOT HORNY! I want to return to my usual princess self!

Me: ANYWAY ... While Zel's being chased, Amelia is preparing to go after her kidnapped friend and, er, almost fiance.

Syl: Really, Princess Amelia, I know that you're worried ...

Filia: But don't you think you're taking this a bit to far?

Amelia: *looks up from the book she's reading, entitled 1001 Happy Speeches To Torment Mazoku With* I do not! If Zelgadis has been kidnapped by a Mazoku Sorcerer...

Xel: *to Alyson* Mazoku sorcerer?

Me: *shrug*

Amelia: Then I want to be good and ready to smash him so I can get Zelgadis back!

Val: But memorizing all those *^&*^&%^&ing happy happy speeches ...

Filia: And practicing them on us ...

Syl: Is a bit much!

Amelia: Hush and let me try this one out! *strikes a pose* Oh you beautiful creature, the world was smiling when you were created! My heart pounds with excitement as I watch the graceful way you use magic! Life must be so wonderful for you, even turned away from the light as you are! Fear not, for I shall turn you against your dark ways!

Val, Filia, and Syl: *looking a little green around the gills* Please, stop!

Xel: *looking VERY green around the gills* Yes, PLEASE STOP!

Amelia: *grins* Guess this one is a success! *makes a mark in the book* NEXT!

All: O_o SHE'S OUTTA CONTROL! *zooms off stage*

Me: *sigh* Looks like it's time for another of my famous commercial breaks. Enjoy while I get the cast back. *chases the fleeing group*

Lina: *sitting at a table with a tub of butter next to her* Looking for a new type of butter?

Tub: *Amelia's voice* Better!

Lina: Hey, it's not your line, butter!

Tub: Better!

Lina: I'm warning you, stick with the script!

Tub: ... .....

Lina: Then go for Saillune brand butter!


Lina: *twitching* THAT'S IT! DRAGON SLAVE!


Voice: We shall now return to our regularly scheduled fic. Could someone call an ambulance?

Me: As Amelia continued to add to her arsenal of speeches, Zel finally shook off his green shadow.

Gourry: I thought shadows were black.

Lina: She was talking about Martina.

Gourry: Oh.

Zel: *gasp gasp* I think I lost her!

Lina: *sly look* So, Zelly, is there someone you have in mind to break your swan curse?

Zel: *blush* NO!

Gourry: Protestation, much?

Zel: I am NOT in denial! *starts to stalk off*

Lina: Suuuuuuuuure. Oh, here comes Martina again.

Zel: AURGH! *runs away with Martina hopping madly after him*

Zangy: *looking out a window* Hey, Xelloss, that nutty frog is chasing your cursed man.

Xel: *smirk* Oh, really? I would never have guessed for that to happen.

Gourry: Hey, look! It's a beautiful sunrise! *points to the colorful sky*

Zel: Oh *(&^*^^&%&^$^%#!!!!!!

Lina: Nice language!

Zel: *snorts as his body contorts and he changes back into his swan form*

Lina: Ooo, now that's interesting! *starts to laugh while Swan Zel glares*

SZel: Oh shut up. *waddles off into the pond*

Gourry: It's not nice to laugh at him, Lina.

Lina: I know. He'll get over it.

Martina: *clasping her hands* Oooo, to see my love and savior in such a state! And now I'll have to wait until night time to be turned into a princess.

Lina: Figures.

Gourry: What?

Lina: Never mind!

Me: At the castle ...

Filia: *putting a blanket over the sleeping Amelia* Poor Princess Amelia. She spent most of the night memorizing those feel good speeches, and now she's exhausted.

Amelia: *suddenly sitting up and striking a pose* THE BLAZING LOVE AND JUSTICE IN MY HEART SHALL TRIUMPH OVER YOU! *lays her face back down and returns to sleep*

Val: Well, that was random.

Syl: *walking in* Prince Phil wants to know how things are going.

Filia: Well, Amelia's memorized the entire book, she's just sleeping now.

Syl: Is there really a chance to get Prince Zelgadis back safely?

Amelia: *sitting up again, this time awake* Of course we're going to get Zelgadis back safely! Now, we're going to get ready to leave. *walks out of the library*

Val: ALL &^%&^%^%$#%$#$%# RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! *follows after Amelia*

Filia: *exchanging looks with Sylphiel and shrugging* Shall we go?

Syl: No, you guys go. I need to stay and advise Prince Phil. He's trying to convince King Rezo that herbs will cure his blindness.

Filia: WHAT?

Syl: Yep.

Me: After another day of swimming serenely on the pond .....

SZel: *chasing after a grinning Xelloss* HONK HONK HONK!

Xel: ^_^

Me: Night fell again and turned the swan back into a chimera.

Zel: I don't know which is worse, the swan form, or my cursed form.


Zel: Oh *&^%&. *takes off running*

Lina: You're enjoying this, aren't you, Alyson?

Me: Very much. ^_^ Ok, the princess, Val and Filia had been traveling all day and were unknowingly standing near the border's of Xelloss' lands.

Amelia: Ok, we'll stop to rest here.

Val: It's about *&*^&%^&ING time!

Filia: Oh do shut up.

Me: So, while Zel spent the night running from Martina, Amelia, Val, and Filia spent it in peaceful slumber, with Amelia occasionally shouting out one of her feel good speeches in her sleep.

Zangy: *looking out the window again* That frog's chasing that chimera, again.

Xel: ^_^

Lina: *reaching out to grab Martina, and throwing her into the pond* I think that's enough annoyance for one night.


Gourry: She does that alot, doesn't she?

Zel: *huff huff* Thank you, Lina.

Lina: *grin* No problem! I just have a question. Who're you hoping will break the swan spell?

Zel: I don't know if she'll want to. *starts to look glum*

Gourry: Huh? Why's that?

Zel: I kinda upset her the last time we were together.

Gourry: So what does she look like?

Zel: *eyes get a far away look, and he smiles slightly* Well, she has raven black hair and these huge blue eyes that always seem to be smiling even when she's feeling sad....

Lina: *to Alyson* You put that in the script?

Me: *reading through* Um, no. See? *points to spot on page* He's supposed to say she had dark hair, blue eyes, and likes to talk about justice.

Gourry: *grinning* Ahh.....

Zel: *musingly* I wonder what she's doing now. Probably at home sleeping in her bed.

Amelia: *sitting up in sleeping bag* VILLAIN, I SHALL VANQUISH YOU!

Val and Filia: SHUT UP! *throws pillows at her, smacking her in the face*

Me: And so, another night passes, and when daylight broke ...


Me: HEY NOW! *cough* Lina and Gourry decided to hatch a plan to help their stoned friend.

Zel: Great, now I sound like I'm doing drugs!

Me: *reads what she just said* Ooops! ^^;;

Zel: *grumble*

Lina: Hey, Gourry, I feel kinda sorry for Zel, don't you?

Gourry: Yeah, but what can we do about it?

Lina: Why don't we try to find that princess he told us about? We could bring her back here ...

Gourry: And break Zel's curse!

Martina: I shall be the one to break my prince's curse!

Lina: *tossing Martina back into the pond* Come on, Gourry, let's go! *runs off stage*

Xel: Awfully fast for a turtle. ^_^

Gourry: *following* Wait for me!

Me: Princess Amelia and company were up and wide awake when they suddenly found themselves with visitors.

Lina: *staring at Amelia* That must be the princess that Zel was talking about.

Gourry: Huh? It's just Amelia.

Lina: GOURRY! YOU JELLYFISH BRAINS! *proceeds to beat up the puffin*

Amelia: Hey, what are these animals doing here?

Val: (*&*^&^ good fight! ^_^

Filia: Don't be a weird boy.

Amelia: *watches Lina, who's now trying to get them to follow her* We don't have time to follow a turtle!

Lina: Come on come on!

Val: *thinking to self* What a perfect opportunity to get my revenge on Lina Turtle. *shouts* DIE LINA INVERSE!

Lina: *calmly side stepping Val's attack* Hmmmm?

Val: *glaring around with his horn stuck into a tree* Oh &^&^$%#$%#$#$%^ING shut up!

Filia: Princess, I think that maybe we should follow the turtle. She obviously wants us to follow her.

Amelia: But what about Zelgadis!

Filia: Maybe she wants to lead us to Prince Zelgadis.

Amelia: *zooming by, grabbing Lina and Gourry on the way* WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?!

Filia: For me to pull Val out of the tree. *does so, and the two follow after the vanishing Amelia*

Me: After running through the forest and following the turtle's directions, Amelia came upon Zel's pond.

Amelia: *huff huff* Ok, we're here. Why did you want me to follow you?

Lina: *cupping her hands over her mouth* HEY, ZEL! SOMEONE HERE TO SEE YOU!

SZel: *swims up, sees Amelia, and turns blue* AHHH! I CAN'T LET HER SEE ME LIKE THIS! *hides behind some bushes*

Lina: *goes over and grabbing him by the neck* Come on, Blue Boy! You won't get cured of you Swan Curse hiding back here! *drags him up to Amelia, and presents him with a flourish*

Amelia: *looking puzzled* A blue swan?

SZel: Honk.

Gourry: Gee, Lina, we gotta do better than this. She has no idea.

Lina: I guess we'll just wait till dark.

Me: And so, everyone whiled away the day playing around the pond, the swan sticking very close to Amelia.

Amelia: Um, why are you almost sitting in my lap?


Filia: I think he likes you, Princess Amelia!

Val: I think swan would taste good roasted.


Amelia: *grabbing the swan and hugging him to her* That's horrible, Val!

Filia: Hey, he's blushing.

Me: Finally, the sun began to set, and the moon started to rise. Swan Zel gracefully swam out into the pond, and allowed the moonlight to touch his wings. Instantly, Zelgadis was standing there, in knee deep water.

Zel: Damn, I always seem to miss the shallow end.

Amelia: Z-Zelgadis?! *rushes over to him, ignoring the water* What happened to you?

Martina: MY PRINCE!! *leaps towards Zel*

Filia: *bashing her away with her mace* What a freaked out frog.

Martina: *in the distance* This is all your fault, Lina Inverse!!

Lina: I'd sure like to know how. I'M not telling this story.

Zel: *coughs* Xelloss did this to me, Amelia. He turned me into a swan until Granddad/Great-granddad gives him the kingdom.

Amelia: *growls* Where is he?! I'll show him! Um, Zelgadis, how can I break this spell?

Zel: I, um, *twiddles with fingers* You, um, ...

Me: As Zel was trying to screw up the courage to tell Amelia she had to kiss him, Xelloss appeared before them.

Xel: My, oh my, trespassers! Looks like I"m going to add to my animal collection!

Martina: *seeing Zangulus behind Xelloss* Oooo, what a hunk! *leaps towards him, and before the startled swordsman could react, she kissed him on the lips. Instantly, Zangulus found himself holding a normal looking Martina*

Lina: What do you know, she really was a princess.

Amelia: *having watched* Ooo, ok! *grabs Zel and kisses him on the cheek* Does this work?

Xel: NO! YOU'VE RUINED MY SPELL! *to Alyson* It was that simple?

Me: *shrug*

Amelia: You force of evil! I shall teach you the ways of the Hammer of Justice!

Zel: *to Filia and Val* Prince Phil still teaching her to give speeches?

Filia and Val: Yep.

Xel: *starting to look a little panicky* A-Alyson, you're going to let her good speech me, are you??

Me: *sigh* Chicken. And so, with a wonderfully heart warming, feeling good, sunshiney, daisy filled speech, the princess vanquished the sorcerer, and saved her prince. Who, incidentally, was still a chimera.

Zel: *&^&%^%$%$#$@#!#!#!#@!#@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lina: Rushed the ending a bit?

Me: What, a complaint?

All: NO WAY!

Zel: Rushed endings are nice.

Amelia: But I didn't get to do my speech! And I practiced real hard, too.

Val: *snort* Coulda gotten rid of Lina Inverse when I had the chance.....

Filia: Don't be a weird boy.

Me: And so, Zangulus married his frog princess...

Martina: I still can't believe you had me play a frog! The curse of Zoamalgustar shall come down upon you!

Me: Riiiiight. Zel and Amelia got married, Rezo and Phil's kingdoms were finally united and became the haven for copies everywhere. And everyone lived happily ever after.

Lina: I have a bone to pick with you, Alyson.

Me: What?

Lina: I'm the star of this show, and you hardly give me any stage time in your fics at all.

Me: Ooo? You're saying you're wanting a Fairy Tail or story all to yourself?

Lina: Um, er...

Me: ^___^ *writes in notebook* Write Lina story.

Gourry: Now you've done it!

Lina: Me and my big mouth!

Me: Until next time everybody!

All: *take a bow* Good night!
