Cast of Sleeping Sorceress
by Alyson Metallium

Me: Hi, everyone! It's me again!

All: *unenthusiastically* Joy....

Me: *glare* What, you don't like my fanfics?

Lina: You're just weird, that's all.

Me: You're only saying that because I had Amelia and Zel star in Cinderchimera, instead of you and Gourry.

Lina: *blush* I AM NOT!

Me: *waving hands* Don't worry. You and Gourry get your spot in the limelight in this story.

Lina: *VERY red and stuttering*

Amelia: Come on, Lina, stop giving Alyson a hard time. Her fics could be worse, you know.

Zel: Yeah, like having a yaoi with Gourry, Xelloss, Val, and myself.

Xelloss: I thought you enjoyed those.

Zel: *glaaare*

Me: *ahem* Come on, you guys. It's casting time again!

All: *siiiigh* -_-

Me: All right, this is a Slayers/Sleeping Beauty crossover! There will probably be a distinct lack of characters because there just aren't enough roles. So you'll have to bear with me as I make some up myself.

All: We're doomed.

Me: -_- Geez.... You guys are great for a person's ego, you know that?

All: ^^

Xelloss: They're trying to get you to not write this fic, you know.

Me: I know. Not gonna work. ^^

All: Damn.

Me: *sticks tongue out* Nya nya. You'd think after all the time we've worked together, you would know just how stubborn I am.

All: We know! We know!

Me: *cough* As the narrator, we once again have yours truly. ^^ In the role of Sleeping Sorceress, we have none other than Miss Lina Inverse!

Lina: O.O You didn't tell me!

Me: And ruin the surprise? I think not. In the role as Prince Charming, (or Prince Absentminded, take your pick ^^) we have Gourry Gabriev!

Lina: *even redder than before*

Gourry: Oh, cool! Are there any good sword fighting scenes?

Me: Near the end. Haven't you ever heard the story of Sleeping Beauty before?

All except Gourry: Probably not.

Gourry: Nope.

Me: *sigh* Figures. As the Fairies who take care of Sleeping Sorceress, we have Amelia Wil Tesla Saillune..... *waves hand and a pair of gold fairy wings materialize on Amelia's back*

Amelia: Way cool!!! *checks out wings in a mirror*

Me: .......Zelgadis Greywyrs.....*waves hand again and a pair of blue fairy wings appear on Zel's back*

Zel: Why? Why are you doing this to me?

Me: *giving Zel a Look* You know, I could just as easily stick you in a dress and pass you off as Sleeping Chimera instead.....

Zel: O.o Ok! Nice touch with the wings!

Me: ^^ Thank you. We also have Filia Buscott.... *waves hand and a pair of pink fairy wings appear on Filia's back, going very nicely with the pink bow on her tail*

Filia: At least you have a sense of color coordination.

Me: Not according to my mother. And our final fairy is..... *drum roll* Valgarv! *a pair of seafoam fairy wings appear on Val's back*


Me: Sorry, you've gotta stick with these for right now. Now, here are your wands. *passes out wands*

Zel: We have WANDS? *glances at his, and sees that it looks just like his sword, only much smaller* Um....

Filia: *eyeing her mace-shaped wand* Alyson?

Amelia: *gazing at her star-tipped wand* Mine's kinda standard.

Val: *lifting an eyebrow at his lightweapon-shaped wand (I can't remember the name)* $$#%%#@!@@#$$##%%$#@$$%#@??!!

Me: Sheesh, everyone's a critic. Last but not least, we have, as the evil fairy, Xellos Metallium! *waves hand and a pair of dark purple fairy wings appear on Xel's back*

Xel: *eyeing wings* What, no dress?

Me: Not for this fic.

Xel: You mean I actually get to stay a man for this fic!!! THE WORLD'S COMING TO AN END! O.o

Me: -_- Hardy har har. Shut up.

All: ^_^

Me: Once again, it's Showtime!

All: O.o

